Deciding to go vegan, or even vegetarian, hell to even resolve to make any dietary change, can be incredibly daunting. There is a plethora of information on the web from places like PETA to instagrammers who post what they eat in a day and shove loads of nutritional ‘information’ down their viewers throats. So, I thought to make things a bit simpler and lend a helping hand to any of my readers who might be wanting to go vegan or who are even just looking for new and (potentially, but maybe not) exciting products to mix up their cooking with that I would post my vegan kitchen staples!


I always have bananas and oranges in my fruit bowl.

Bananas have endless uses from smoothies and cakes to a filling snack on their own.

Oranges can be used to flavour meals (salad dressings, grated in porridge, squeezed in a cake etc) and are full of vitamin C and so refreshing to eat cold on a hot day.


Sweet potato, carrot, broccoli. Endless uses. Endless combinations. They are three of my most loved vegetables.


This stuff cooks in 5 minutes and I eat it whenever I’m pressed for time. It’s delicious with some olive oil, salt and lemon and is incredibly versatile.

Where would I be without porridge?! If you’ve got porridge in your pantry you can always scrounge something up for breakfast.

Muesli is a versatile food to have in your arsenal! Pop it on top of yoghurt or pour it in a bowl with a splash of coconut yoghurt.


This stuff is like manna from the sky above. I use it to make delicious smoothies and I put a dusting in my porridge to make my favourite chocolate orange porridge in the mornings. It’s also great for baking.

I always keep either nuts or seeds in my bag because they make a great emergency snack when there is nothing vegan on offer and they are oh so good for you.

A good relish or chutney can be used to flavour anything from sandwiches to chips.

Tastes like real cheese. Melts like real cheese. Is it real cheese? No. No it’s not. But it sure as hell is the next best thing.

There you go! Those are my vegan kitchen staples that I without fail always have on hand.

What are some kitchen staples that you guys have and why are they so handy?

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